
Slothdude on Mastodon

DrawQuest was a drawing app and a community that lasted for some fifteen months between 2013 and 2014. Every day, you got a prompt consisting of a simple phrase and a stick figure template, and you could use those as an inspiration to draw something. And every single day during those fifteen months, I drew sloths. People seemed to like it. It was probably the most artistically creative period of my life. I still miss it.

Here are some of my least worst drawings from the app.

Slothy and EchidnaQ doing their Chewbacca and Han Solo impression to celebrate May the 4th What's in the sky? May 4, 2014

Pastiche of the Jaws poster. EchidnaQ swimming and a giant Slothy lurking under the water What is the shark swimming after? April 26, 2014

Pastiche of Dug from Pixar's Up wearing the cone of shame, except it's a sloth This lamp needs a shade? March 27, 2014

Reproduction of the old sloth with sunglasses meme image What did he bring to for show and tell? March 26, 2014

Reproduction of the old doge meme image, except it's a sloth. very sloth, much strong, wow Wow, look at strongman! March 25, 2014

Reproduction of the old dogfort meme image, except it's EchidnaQ dressed up as the red lobster, and SLothy in the pillow fort. Red Q-Ster standing by. ...come in, Slothfort, over. This is Slothfort. Let's build a pillow fort. March 24, 2014

A reddish brown sloth dressed up as a leprechaun, touching its nose, where a gold glitter can be seen. Where did the leprechaun hide the gold? March 17, 2014

Sloth face in a latte cup Make latte art. March 7, 2014

Fancy sloth mask with red feather hairdress Give her a mask for the masquerade. January 16, 2014

Slothy and EchidnaQ playing the old HeroQuest boardgame What's in the dungeon? January 10, 2014

Slothy has made a complete mess of trying to repair C-3PO after he has been destroyed in the Empire Strikes Back. One arm has been inserted into the neck socket, while the head is in an arm socket, and the other arm socket has a leg sticking out of it. Chewbacca is furious. Can you fix the robot? January 9, 2014

A sloth wearing antlers very slowly pulling the sleigh. Santa is furious, straight out of the old rage comic meme images. What's pulling Santa's sleigh? December 23, 2013

Slothy doing the 'Heeere's Johnny!' bit from the Shining What's behind the door? December 15, 2013

A reddish brown sloth laying on top a sea turtle This turtle needs a shell. December 7, 2013

A sloth in space suit looking down at the Earth What's orbiting around the Earth? November 25, 2013

Slothy and EchidnaQ walking through the same field as Sam and Frodo in the movie when Sam was one step away from being the farthest he had ever been from home. The scarecrow is obviously a sloth, too. Where did they go for the field trip?? November 20, 2013

Slothy, EchidnaQ, and the baby slochidna surfing on the Great Wave off Kanagawa, after the Hokusai print Who's on the surfboard?? August 8, 2013

Reproduction of the American Gothic, except they are sloths What's at the farm? June 17, 2013

Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer logo, except instead of a lion, it's a sloth What's playing at the movies? May 7, 2013

Astronaut sloth on the Moon, with Earth visible in the background What do you see in the crystal ball? April 19, 2013

A sloth looking at a ea snail in a fishbowl, being heavily distorted by water What's in the fish bowl? March 24, 2013

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