Jurassic Birds
What if Jurassic Park had been made with the full knowledge that birds are dinosaurs,
but without the CGI and the animatronics, instead having to rely on old-fashioned matte
shots and miniatures, and they just substituted real birds for the dinosaurs?

"That's a dinobird!"

"They're moving in flocks. They do move in flocks!"
"What species is this?"
"Uh, it's a C. monedula"
"You bred corvids?"

"This one was always my favourite when I was a kid. And now I've seen one, it's the most beautiful thing I ever saw."

"Where's the goat?"



"Uh, nice girl. Nice girl. Nice dinobird."


"Must go faster!"

"It's a veggiebird, Lex! A veggiebird!"
(Not really, but don't tell her that)
"Gal, uh, uh, gall... Gallus gallus!"
"They're flocking in this direction!"

"Look how it eats. I bet you'll never look at birds the same way again."

"Clever boy!"

Puff, caw, stare.

Clink, caw, hop.

Making a mess in the visitor centre. Caw caw.

When dinobirds ruled the Earth.
Jurassic Birds Bonus
Slightly less inaccurate Jurassic Park. With apologies to actual paleoartists.

Velociraptors in the kitchen.

Deinonychus in the visitor centre.